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PR Pointers


Jane Herbert

Shakespeare wrote about the value of reputation 400 years ago, so the importance of reputation management should not be news to anyone.

Public relations and publicity are not the same thing. Max Clifford is to PR what Wayne Rooney is to cricket a great player of a very different game.

While you are saying, No comment, to one journalist, your smarter competitor is weaving their key messages into a quote for another.


Who are you going to buy from, a recommended supplier or a complete stranger?

At its simplest, PR stops your sales force hearing, Who? But, PR is never that simple.

Fame does not mean fortune. Anyone can become famous. 18 years after his notorious IOD speech, Gerald Ratner is still famous, but his brand never recovered.

If good PR was easy, everyone would have a great reputation.

Do not spend money on PR unless you plan to measure its performance.

Your competitors will always be happy to talk about you.

– ENDS –

Jane Herbert has nearly 20 years experience in public relations and is managing director of PR agency Pilotmax.

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